I won't require ten-if you can produce five people who will swear for you, I will release you immediately." "That is another provision of English law. "Then summon witnesses who can attest to your identity and character," he challenged her. I am a freeborn woman, not an English serf, and never in my life have I stolen anything from anyone." Meriel took a deep breath to calm herself, then looked directly into his unreadable gray eyes. Are you an Englishwoman born of Welsh parents? Perhaps a serf who ran away from her master after stealing a horse and falcon?'' Ignoring her words, he said thoughtfully, "Though I am not an expert on Welsh speech, it sounds to me as if your accent is of southern Wales, not the north, and your English is flawless. "The laws of men may give you the right, but this is not justice in the eyes of God!" Meriel cried, anger overcoming fear. I could even take your life and none would gainsay me." If I wish, I can take your ear or hand as punishment for poaching. As Earl of Shropshire I have the power of high and low justice. "If you know anything of law," he said coolly, reverting to English, "you must also know that the lords of the Welsh Marches have authority far beyond that of other barons. As God is my witness, I am guilty of nothing!" "No honest court will convict me of wrongdoing.

"Then bring me before a jury of freeman, as is my right under English law," she demanded. "As it is, I have quite enough evidence to imprison you indefinitely." "Had I found you outside the forest and without the falcon, that would be true," he said, watching her with disturbing intensity.