But for now read on for a list of eight YA books about war. And if you’d like to know why war stories are so popular here’s a great article about it. If you like war stories, specifically from World War II, we’ve got you covered.

But also the inherent goodness that remains even in the darkest of times. So that you know the limitless horror some people go through. That’s why I present to you a list of eight YA books about war. Reading about war can be difficult, but it can also be hopeful and eye-opening.

Like how love and friendship are so powerful they withstand some of the most horrible acts of violence. T hey have popped up like mushrooms after rain, says Maria Glazunova, who works at the Dovzhenko Centre, Kyiv’s film archive. They teach us and remind us of the horrors of war while sometimes giving us hopeful messages. One of the topics we tend to revisit in this genre is war. Historical fiction is great because you get to read stories that mix real events with made up characters. But can Joe and Baheer’s friendship survive the pressure that their families and countries put on them? When Joe’s unit arrives in Baheer’s town, Baheer is wary of the Americans, and Joe doesn’t trust Baheer, but they discover they have a lot more in common than either could have realized. A world away, Joe, a young Army private, has to put aside his dreams of becoming a journalist when he’s shipped out to Afghanistan. Baheer, a studious Afghan teen, sees his family’s life turned upside down on September 11th, 2001, when they lose their livelihood as war rocks the country.